Remedial/Sports Massage involves deep tissue bodywork and stretching techniques to allow your muscles to become less tense and increase their flexibility and range of movement.

Trigger Point Therapy is a technique that concentrates on specific points in the body that are the source of referred pain. By sustaining pressure on these points until the pain subsides, considerable amount of tension is released. Trigger point therapy also utilises stretching to solidify the effects of the treatment.

Therapeutic Massage is a steady paced relaxation massage, allowing your body to release tension as you relax into the massage. This modality enables you to go quietly within, assisting in relaxing the mind and raising awareness for the body.

Myofascial Release aids in releasing tension in the connective tissue. It is a soft, slow and steady technique that melts away your tension to reveal a more flexible pain free body.

Pregnancy Massage Our therapists are trained to safely apply massage during your pregnancy.
